A Western Heart shows us just how much the Left and Islamists hate Jews
Another Black Conservative shows us how the She-Devil is using The Word to push evil
Biblical Evidence posts on evidence for creatures spreading Comfort & peace
Chicago Ray Report reveals how illegals killed football star in cold blood
Conservative Perspective shows us a frank and honest interview with Mark Steyn
Feed Your ADHD gives his take on Obama and plugging that damn hole
Fuzzy Logic asks who else besides James Cameron is Obama going to call on for help?
K.O.O.K explains why the Left can't lead
Maggie's Notebook tells us about Gaza flotilla's Al Qaeda members
MAINFO reveals Obama getting heckled on the bus
Mind Numbed Robot explains why everyday is Memorial Day
My Thoughts on Freedom tells about the costs of free health care
Pathetically Incorrect ask Is there anyone whose ethical in the White House?
The Audacity of Logic posts on the illegal alien legal challenge
The Blog posts on the Thundercats Mystery
The Conservative Lady informs us that Obama's friends are top activists with flotilla
The Current shows us how Robert Reich wants to seize BP
The Right Guy shows just how much the Obama is a cheapskate
Trestin Meacham reminds us what atrocity happened 21 years ago
Woodsterman reveals how the oil spill got jealous of The One
Amusing Bunni gives us some laughs with foamy the squirrel and silly kitties
Nickie Goomba reveals people protesting complicated words
Nickie Goomba reveals people protesting complicated words
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