Until liberal fascism came along and reared it's ugly head we all could get along, at least most people across America could. Were liberals taught to respect others? Have they become mature adults? I even see people who are liberals in my own family who hold onto childish grudges and haven't grown up into mature adults. I don't think having a child automatically makes you mature either. I don't even think being monetarily stable necessarily makes one a mature person. Maturity has to come from inside oneself. I used to be jealous of certain people in my family because materialistically speaking they were and are better off than I. But, I'm not any more. I actually feel sorry for them now. I have been through major life experiences that they have not. These circumstances have forced me to grow up. I have come a long way in the maturing process during both my teenage and adult years. I hold certain convictions because of both my faith and my political beliefs and I stand true to my convictions. I have not chosen to take the easy road in our society which says the only thing that matters is the person's feelings. We must all take responsibility for our own lives. Yes, I do think if one family member had to deal with certain things that another family didn't have to endure, and if a family member member(s) responded or just didn't respond then that could have played a role in how a person may have chosen this or that path. But, it is ultimately the individual's decision how they choose to live their life - responsibly or not. My parents have taught me a very important prayer which I try to remember as often as possible. I highly recommend it. Here it is:
Sorry, kinda went on a tangent.... Glenn Beck, his wife and daughter were harassed by some liberals who hold a childish, low-class mentality while they were attending an outside movie event in Bryant Park. During the summer New York City's Bryant Park hosts weekly showings of classic films where you can bring blankets lay out on the lawn, watch a classic movie, and enjoy yourself.
From The Blaze (My comments will be in BOLD) :
Here is Beck telling the story of the actual events:
Why was it impossible for those liberals to simply watch the movie and let everyone enjoy watching the movie? Well... Okay. Liberals like to ruin enjoyment, freedom, and liberty for everyone else as long as it doesn't affect them. And, sometimes they do even it does affect them because they simply like to run, control, and ruin everyones' lives. What childish beasts! Apparently some liberal attendee at the movie event has taken offense at what Beck said on the radio and has claimed that his version of the fiasco in Bryant Park is false. A lib taking offense and claiming something is false when.... Who woulda thunk? When in fact her tweets show a very different story.
First, here are her claims as written to New York Magazine:
To Whom It May Concern:
Source URL: http://outlawrepublican.blogspot.com/2011/06/beck-family-gets-harassed-woman-claims.html
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Sorry, kinda went on a tangent.... Glenn Beck, his wife and daughter were harassed by some liberals who hold a childish, low-class mentality while they were attending an outside movie event in Bryant Park. During the summer New York City's Bryant Park hosts weekly showings of classic films where you can bring blankets lay out on the lawn, watch a classic movie, and enjoy yourself.
From The Blaze (My comments will be in BOLD) :
As Beck explained, he attended Monday night‘s public showing of Alfred Hitchcock’s “The 39 Steps” with his wife and daughter. During the film, he was ridiculed, had someone “kick a cup” of wine on his wife and on his blanket, and even witnessed another person stand up and yell, “We hate conservatives here!”
“These people were some of the most hateful people I have ever seen,” Beck said. “All I wanted to do is go out on a blanket with my family and have dinner in the afternoon sun and sit around Americans, not like-minded Americans, and just watch a movie in the park. And last night at about‑‑ when the movie was just about over, my wife and I got out because it was hostile.”
When Beck left near the end of the movie, the crowd applauded.
“I don’t know what kind of victory you thought you won,” Beck said on radio in response, and later added, “I swear to you I think if I would have suggested, and I almost did, wow, does anybody have a rope, because there’s a tree here, you could just lynch me. And I think there would have been a couple in the crowd that would have.”
Despite the obvious hurtful elements of the story, Beck used it as an opportunity to deliver a message to conservatives:
Later in the evening, he admitted he had to call his daughter and console her because she was so distraught.All through the evening, I wanted to say to you today, please, please, please don’t ever treat anybody like that. If Van Jones comes and sits next to you, please don’t treat anybody like that, and then I realized I don’t have to say that to you. I was there at 8/28. I saw when people were pointing their finger in your face and calling you a racist, setting you up, egging you on, I saw how you reacted. I don’t have to tell you that.
Here is Beck telling the story of the actual events:
Why was it impossible for those liberals to simply watch the movie and let everyone enjoy watching the movie? Well... Okay. Liberals like to ruin enjoyment, freedom, and liberty for everyone else as long as it doesn't affect them. And, sometimes they do even it does affect them because they simply like to run, control, and ruin everyones' lives. What childish beasts! Apparently some liberal attendee at the movie event has taken offense at what Beck said on the radio and has claimed that his version of the fiasco in Bryant Park is false. A lib taking offense and claiming something is false when.... Who woulda thunk? When in fact her tweets show a very different story.
First, here are her claims as written to New York Magazine:
To Whom It May Concern:
Just a quick FYI -saw your article on Mr. Beck and his numerous FALSE claims about the way that he was treated at Bryant Park last night. Myself and several of my friends were seated immediately behind Mr. Beck & co (have pictures) and I can tell you that while the crowd was certainly not *thrilled* that he had shown up, his family was left completely alone, and for the most part he was too. Conversely, it was his security detail (two body guards) that seemed to be unnecessarily prickly with the crowd, scolding myself and my friends for acrobatics and other harmless activities taking place well before the movie started, and contributing to a considerably less relaxed atmosphere than is typically experienced during BPMN (I’ve been going for about six years now).
It was my friend that spilled the glass of wine on Tanya -and I can assure you that it was a complete accident. A happy one, to be sure, but nonetheless a complete and utter accident. As soon as the wine spilled (and I question how Tanya became soaked from a half glass of wine) apologies were made and my friends pretty much scrambled to give Tanya & co napkins -no doubt aware that it would look terrible and that their actions could be perceived as purposeful. No words were exchanged after that, as I think that it became pretty clear to Beck & co that my friends and I were doing everything in our capacity to help clean the “mess”.
I‘m sure it’s unnecessary to point out the hypocrisy in Glen’s statements that we were being hateful. I can assure him that we don’t need his sympathy. Incidentally, none of us have made a career of “spewing hate” on the radio, or any other media platform. We live our lives intolerant only of those who don’t tolerate: We have chosen New York as our city for that very reason. We do things like go to Bryant Park Movie Night, and vote to legalize gay marriage. We don’t taunt Glen, or his family. And we certainly don’t waste our wine, even on Tanya.
Thanks, and please let me know if you have further questions.
Lindsey Piscitell
Glenn will be issuing an apology... Or not? They did a little research into the person who is Lindsay Piscitell.
She posts some of that poetry on her Tumblr blog:
The muffled voice of the car hornssang homage to married airshaftsand the clouds crept back to their night bedswhile the teapot grew much older.
She also has a Twitter account…though that account is “protected” for confirmed followers only.
This is the same woman who claimed to be "less than thrilled" that Beck and his family were sitting right in front of her. Less than thrilled is an understatement to say the least.
The link in that Tweet to FourSquare had the pictures of Glenn and his family on their blanket. It was active until a few hours ago. But….it’s now not there:
Why did she delete the photo? What does she have to hide? If and it is a big if indeed, her pic could have proven her account of the events why would she have deleted the photo?
We also noticed that one of her Twitter followers was eager to respond to her notification about proximity to Glenn with some timely suggestions:
How about that?! Lindsey’s pal suggests an accidental spill! The Truth becomes self-evident now.
I did want to see if Marissa had other suggestions, but guess what:
Yeah, her Twitter account is now gone.
Lindsey, we note, tells the world on Tumblr that she is:
What can we conclude? Is it possible that the wine spill really was accidental? Oh, maybe. But Twitter tells us a few things that may call her account and her motives into question.
We certainly would like to know more — but they keep deleting things!
Stay tuned for updates.
It seems that Lyndsey Piscitell was also busy posting comments on some blog posts about the Beck encounter. At least we know that it is someone using the same name as she uses on Twitter (dANGLINGbABY), and claiming to be in the group involved in the encounter.
Of course the “truly accidentally” part might be suspect now that we know about the friends Twitter suggestion.
AND was it a bottle? I thought she said it a glass?
Glenn also pointed out on the radio this morning that the suggestion about “accidentally” kicking him the mouth might have played a role in the “acrobatics” going on near them.
Lyndsey’s e-mail to New York Magazine depicts innocuous interaction…”his family was left completely alone, and for the most part he was too”…while pointing any blame on Beck’s security detail. I‘ve watched Glenn’s security team in dozens of tricky situations and they are a polite and professional group. Certainly Lyndsey wouldn’t have done anything deliberate to draw their attention, right?
Seems a little less innocuous now, doesn’t it?
Another commenter on one blog post asks this question of the group:
Turns out dANGLINGbABY had a ready answer:
Why has Glenn not been “chased” away? “We tried as best we could tonight.” And then she references the picture taking, and the concept that “outside world” is trying to send a message to Glenn. We think we get the message about what happened that night.
A Sara Romanoski recently blocked her Twitter account (saromo) but a Blaze reader managed to take some screen grabs before that happened.
Early in the evening she did solicit ideas for to what to do in the situation:
She too makes reference to “accidentally” spilling wine on:
She did get her wish on the TV mention.
And she did at the time seem to want to ride the wave of attention:
Jon Stewart? Hellooooo?
The Daily Caller’s Jim Treacher quotes “saromo” saying this:
Well, I think we can conclude from the actual events as recounted from Glenn, and evidence above, that liberals are fascist pigs with absolutely no manners, no civility, totally selfish, childish, and are highly disturbed and angry liars.
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