A Patriotic Rottweiler tells us about how social justice is not equal at all.
A Western Place reveals the forcing of sex on children.
Acts of Apostasy states the progressives top ten list for destroying the Church.
Barking Spider reveals how the Post Brown cleanup begins.
Bluepitbull asks is softball synonymous with lesbianism?
Jihadis say they take it all back at Bread Upon the Waters.
Commentarama reveals to us how Pelosi rewrites the Catechism.
Chicago Ray shows us how a school describes sodomy and murder using comic books.
Conservative Perspective states that terrorists are crossing our border.
Conservative Scalawag is fed up with this administration ignoring our constitution.
DeanO points out Obama's poisoning of the well.
Eye of Polyphemus tells us how SCOTUS rules on sexually dangerous criminals.
Fuzzy Slippers is determined not to yield another inch.
Generation Dysfunction shows us Palin's NRA speech.
Innominatus says Barry needs an intervention.
Jim McMahon tells us who Che Guevara really is.
Jo-Joe Politico asks if Kagan is qualified.
Landshark5150 addresses the issue of Jefferson and interpretation of the constitution.
Maggie's Notebook explains how liberals are taking away our freedom of choice.
MAINFO says that Obama is silent on the Iran/ al-qaeda alliance.
Mind Numbed Robot posted on the Mosque opening on 9-11-2011.
My Thoughts on Freedom says secure the border.
Glenn Beck shows us about global governance on New Zeal.
Pathetically Incorrect shows a great reason why GOP should block Kagan nomination.
Self-Evident Truths shows us a course called financial crisis 101.
Solid Rock or Sinking Sand reveals Laura Bush's thoughts on gay marriage.
Talk Wisdom Reveals to us the Obama trial you Haven't heard about.
The Malcontent rants on the Tea Party movement.
The Blog reveals the calorie killer plot.
The Conservative Lady asks what you think about the proposed medal for restraint?
The oil spill reveals Chris Matthews socialist side at The Current.
The Naked Ontologist posts a response to the inerrancy debate.
The Oracular Opinion requests support for students at live oak high school.
The mama grizzly is on the war path at The Right Guy.
TOTUS reveals the threat of becoming MexiAmerica.
Amusing Bunni tells about the climategate conference.
Conservative Hideout exposes the damage caused by Obamacare.
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